By Maha Eladawy M.A. &  Dr. Derek H. Suite 
Gratitude also opens our eyes to the limitless potential of the universe, while dissatisfaction closes our eyes to it.” 
Stephen Richards 
From a resiliency perspective, practicing gratitude (or being grateful) carries a deeper meaning of appreciating the positives in our lives. It entails being upbeat, looking past the negatives, and mastering the ability to uncover “the good” in every bad situation. Understandably, though, an “attitude of gratitude” may prove incredibly challenging given the recrudescent COVID-19 virus that has robbed us of so much, created uncertainty and anxiety.
Truth be told, there are indeed reasons to be grateful despite the copious obstacles and hurdles this pandemic has thrown our way.  Remember life pre-COVID?  We lived in an unrestricted, yet super-busy world. Work, school, deadlines, and other pressures were our chief priorities. Relationships, and personal projects, though important, were on the backburner.
Because of the ongoing restrictions, we have had more time (albeit forced) to slow down a bit, practice self-reflection, connect with ourselves, and with others. Looked at through a more appreciative lens, COVID-19 encumberments, though vexing, have provided several opportunities to work on personal growth, self-regulation, creativity, and innovation. Most likely, we have also discovered “something new” about ourselves, our loved ones, or our environment, that we may have paid little attention to in our pre-pandemic lives.   
            Ultimately, we always have the “choice” ( as we discussed last week ) to find reasons to be grateful, and to look for what’s possible in the seemingly impossible situation.  Take a moment now to get in touch with 10 things you are grateful for. See how this appreciative inquiry makes you feel.  Just doing this simple mental exercise on a regular basis, especially when feeling bitter or dejected, can help lift our spirits, according to psychologists.
           As we close, consider this amazing quote, from Melody Beattie, that aptly captures the amazing resilience that springs from an “attitude of gratitude:”
        “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. 
        It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity.
       It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” 
         Until next time, be safe, and be well.